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12.D <= ARHIVA => => Topicuri neconforme => Subiect creat de: KenelmRoger din Martie 06, 2023, 04:27:43 AM

Titlu: How to Use an Instagram DP Viewer
Scris de: KenelmRoger din Martie 06, 2023, 04:27:43 AM
You can also view someone's InstaDP (https://instadp.io/) in their feed, but the image won't be as large. This is useful if you have trouble seeing the image in its true resolution or if you're trying to get a closer look at a post without opening it in a browser.

This tool is a great way to see who's sending you a follow request, especially if the picture shows their real face! It's a bit of an insider hack, but it can help you keep track of people who are following you.

It's not as simple as it sounds, but if you follow these steps, you'll be able to see any image in its original-size, or at least close enough to it to see the details.

There are 3 sizes for a full-size picture on Instagram: Portrait, Square, and Landscape. The former is the largest, and is 1080 x 1350 pixels; the latter two are smaller, but they're also more common, so you'll likely see them if you're scrolling through an Instagram feed.

There are a few free websites you can use to see the profile picture of anyone on Instagram in full-size. This is a good way to make sure the picture you're looking at is the correct size, and it's also a good way to see whether or not someone has cropped their image in the right way.